Tuesday, May 1, 2007

Scripts Written Here

GreaseMonkey scripts written by me:
  1. CollapseComments - Tame large comment lists on WordPress-based blogs!
    (Only tested with a few blogs so far.)

  2. CAPScalc - Calculates stats (only a few %'s right now) on MotleyFool CAPS (caps.fool.com).
How To Install:
  1. Install Mozilla Firefox
  2. Add Greasemonkey
  3. Restart Firefox
  4. Choose a Greasemonkey script (or two) above...
    You may need to click the monkey icon on and off at the lower right to successfully install, due to this bug

Suggestions? Bugs? - Post a comment below...

Sunday, April 1, 2007


What it's For: Large lists of comments on WordPress-based blogs.

What it Does: After a blog page finishes loading, this GreaseMonkey script collapses all comments, showing only each commenter's name.
You can then easily scan the names, looking for your favorite commenters.
  • Jump to the next comment by the same author with "(next by same)".
  • If you previously clicked on "(next by same)" or a comment's date stamp, you can jump back up to that comment with your browser's "Back" button.
  • Expand or collapse a single comment using "[+]" or "[-]".
  • Expand all comments by shutting off GreaseMonkey (single click the monkey head on the lower right) and then refreshing the page. (This completely disables CommentCollapser)
Install Link: CommentCollapser (v1.0 - released 2007-05-21)

Possible Future Improvements:
1. Collapse Threshold: Don't auto-collapse unless there are over X number of comments.
(Currently, if a "WordPress..." meta tag is detected, it will try to collapse all comments automatically, no matter how few or many.)

2. Improve performance: It takes a second or two to expand comments on large pages.
(Or add a "progress notification" on top left so users don't think it's broken.)

3. Brief Excerpts: Add the option to show one-line excerpt of each post (and/or comment word count).

4. Visual Feedback: Add an initial "blink" to the entry jumped to by "(next by same)"
(Will this degrade performance further?)

Other Ideas? Bugs? Add them below...